Idyllwild Home Tour & Wine Tasting
Home Tour: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Wine Tasting: 1:00 - 4:00pm
Presented by
Idyllwild Area Historical Society
Middle Ridge Winery
The mountain lifestyle … Curious to see what it's all about? Then you won't want to miss the 14th Annual Idyllwild Home Tour where you will have access to five private homes that will be open to the public for the first time. The homes vary in age, style and setting – from quaint old cabins to modern, dramatic architecture.
And when you’re ready for a break from your self-guided tour, stop by the Historical Society Museum and relax with a Middle Ridge wine tasting. The annual home tour is the Historical Society's major fundraiser, and this year Middle Ridge will be joining the fundraising festivities with wine tastings at the Museum from 1:00-4:00pm. You can also purchase a bottle to take home at a special 10% discount when you show your Home Tour book.
Home Tour
10:00am-4:00pm, $20 per person
(wine tasting not included)
Tickets can be purchased on the day of the event at the booth in the center of town next to the Idyllwild Inn (54300 Village Center Road) or at the Idyllwild Area Historical Society (54470 N. Circle Drive). Presale tickets are also available at the Historical Society Museum and by mail. For more information, call Carolyn (951-317-4613) or Charlotte (951-201-1400).
Middle Ridge Wine Tasting
1:00-4:00pm, $15 per person
Complimentary for Middle Ridge Wine Club Members (up to 2 people)
SPECIAL NOTE for wine club members: Your fall wine club package will be available for pickup at the event.
Idyllwild Area Historical Society
54470 N. Circle Drive
Idyllwild, CA 92549
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